to say it straight,this society is damn fucked!
everything we do is our choice.
legal or ilegal people do drugs,follow their heart wherever it leads them and rebel against the system.
cause' alchool is way more likely to kill you than lsd and nicotine has higher level of addiction than what the fuck right?wrong...
the main reason why acid is ilegal is because it makes people open their mind at such a high level that they can see the truth and how much this society limitates them.lsd sure is bad for you if used in high quantities but so is chocolate...but used wisely it can make you discover yourself,find inner spirituality,break imagination boundaries you never thought possible and makes you find your connection with the greatest power we call God.and by the way,if you think there are other ways to do that,open your eyes and realise we live in fast times where praying and meditation are long left behind...fear makes people refuse unusual help...
if acid was legal and used by more people,our leaders level of control would be million times lower.and they don't want that,do they?they sure don't...that's why they forbid everything that can change your mind against huh?well...