May 29, 2011

because girls will be girls :))))) getting ready to go style hahah.

after spending the afternoon watching some looong 50 top on mtv dance,when getting to nr 2,the storm came and turned off the tv.ironic isn't?
but the storm passed just in time for a great night!
yeeeey we survived 2011's first summer party...

May 25, 2011

juuuust amazingly lovely!
cause my next tattoo will be in turquoise :D

Recomandat zodiilor: Balanta, Sagetator, Pesti

Este cunoscut din vremuri imemorabile, pietrele de turcoaz fiind descoperite in mormintele faraonilor. In timpul Imperiului Persan, colierele si bratarile de turcoaz erau purtate pentru a avea o viata lunga. Filozoful persan Al-Qazwini scria: "Mana care poarta turcoaz nu va cadea niciodata in saracie!".
Astecii si mayasii isi impodobeau cu turcoaz mastile traditionale. In Evul Mediu era socotita o piatra care protejeaza calul si calaretul, iar in timpurile noastre este socotita piatra ocrotitoare a pilotilor si in general a celor care lucreaza la inaltime.

Descriere: De la bleu pana la albastru verzui, ingemanad albastrul cerului cu verdele diafan al marii.

Efecte benefice: Este un talisman de protectie si putere. Se spune ca isi schimba culoarea cand se apropie un pericol, cand cineva va vorbeste de rau sau intentioneaza sa faca rau celui care poarta piatra, ca simte invidia si ura celor care vor raul si va da un semn de avertisment. E un bun liant relational. Mareste ritmul de vindecare dupa boala, tonifica si intareste organismul.

May 18, 2011

May 16, 2011

chelsy favorite outfit at the royal wedding.just perfect.
don't you just love trains?
dirty and full of ugly people but they take you anywhere.
i actually start to like it.that depresing ugliness that takes you to beautiful places.

to fall or not to fall full speed ahead...
i have always admired people who do as they please without thinking about consequences or without thinking at all...
being a person with reason overdose i never ever do that.even my ususal chaos is thought messy life is kind of organised and my chaotic brain thinks straight.i always blame it on my sign,though...
my brain should just stop for a while (metaphorically of course) !
i should start getting the meaning of "follow your heart".
or shuldn't i?
i'll overthink it for sure.this summer will be all about finding inner self and let it out!
picture of the day/night.

May 12, 2011

paper,my friend...

i just realised i might have too many lists in my life :)))
my desk is just full of notes.
from lists of books,music,movies to adresses,quotes,sites and things to do,tickets,pictures, they are all written down on small pieces of paper.kind of weird but i have to do them otherwise i forget everything.anyway,i got used to them laying around.i thought about getting a huuuuge notebook where i cand write everyhing and keep in one place,but then it would all be too simple and organised.and i don't do simple or organised,i have to live in complicated and chaos.and we should not talk about my wallets and drawers filled with more and more pieces of paper.


May 11, 2011

first of all i don't really like rihanna.i mean she is cool and all but i can't say i am a fan.but her new song "california king bed" totally got me.the video is greaaaaat and the song is close to great.
in these awfully weird feeling days of spring.

must get some pink highlights this summer.

May 10, 2011

my life is so much complicated right now :))
while others go to school and worry about grades and exams i go to hairtyling coureses,worry about hair colors and check out latest trends.pretty simple right?
well gotta admitt it's not as boring as school but it sure ain't might think it's easy to cut and add some colors but,really,it's about working brain and small hair stuck under your finger skin.
i never really thought i'd like doing this.i found it boring and pointless actually.i thought it's easy,anyone can do it and was after i started school and realised i am not able to hold a brush in my hand,that i started to pay attention to it.
after endless 'i can't's and loooong giving up moments + some breaking down points with 'i will never be able to do this' in it,i now like it.
it's like judging a book by its cover.