Sep 26, 2012

more and more inspiration.Goooood,i love Tumblr.

Sep 20, 2012

it was was was summer...
another summer has passed.another memories made.
the places we've seen,the people we've met,the pictures we took,those will be our warming things this winter.
we work all summer on stories for the rainy days and nights with tea and sweaters.
the thing about this summer (and year for that matter) is that was full of ups and downs.from the highest to the lowest...with lots of new people and a million awesome stories.
if a month ago,this time of day i didn't know where to hide from heat,now i'm looking outside at the grey weather and sighing for some sun and warm air.and that's what i'll do for about 8 months...
welcome back you cheesy,cold autumn !!

weekly inspiration.first week of fall...

Sep 12, 2012

here is a list of  fashion/beauty related things i find ugly or i would just not wear :

* long nails,gel,etc..
despite the fact that are uncomfortable,i find them ugly too...

* army pattern
for boys,ok,i accept.but for girl you have to really know what you're doing otherwise it's a big fail

*eye shadow + bright lipstick
unless you work on a stage (of any kind) ,you are overdoing it!

*jeans tucked in boots
i'm not saying they are not ok,but i am not wearing it.except for ugg boots or wellies. but leather boots just remind me too much of horse riding...

*hair extensions
OMG no!!!! i love short hair and i think if you once decided to cut it,leave it to will grow back...

like pants matchig the jacket or things like is in and trendy but i'm not feeling it at all..

*stiletto shoes

*hoop earrings
ghetto-only zone...

*frameless sunglasses
noooo,the frames gives it all...

*snake skin
it's not really my piece of cake

Sep 7, 2012

this past week insiparion

i finally got myself some sweatpants which i am gonna wear a looot this fall.
here are some inspirations but you can style them in many careful though,they are a bit tricky and you can easy fail the outfit.